Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bad Seed

You're away
So very far away
I close my eyes but I cannot see your face
It's shadowed in my mind
Shadowed by all the temptations this city can bring

I know you love me
But sometimes it's hard to believe
That every single person I meet
Wants what I have with you
Wants to feel what we feel
But I have my own personal demons

Demons that no matter what won't subside
They hide behind my thankful heart
They creep inside
The love I know I have found in you
But I can't shake the feeling that
I can never be me
Without my own light

You guided me through so much
And I don't want to sound ungrateful
But the demons I can't shake
Still are inside
I want you to help me with them

But deep deep down
In the core of my big and loving heart
Is just a tiny little seed
That knows it can be bad

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