Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Road

Red tail lights, midnight sky
and shadows of dark mountains behind
My view of the road is clear and full of hope
Whatever has held me back is in the past
Forward is the only way to go

If I change my mind again
The state I'm in won't change
And how things are will just stay the same

I can't waste my days
On something that will soon fade
My life is meant for better
My soul I must save

The routine of life I can get use to
A comfort and a constant if I stay
If I leave, a chaos maybe waiting
But a big reward may be paid


I've always been a big dreamer and as uncertain as my future is, I know I have to shake things up and work a lot harder to get to where I need to be.  Whatever excuses I had in the past, I'm letting go and just putting in the work without holding myself back.  Fear is a horrible thing to have when it comes to a future.  I know for me I have held back my potential over being afraid of moving.  Being afraid of living alone in a city and being away from loved ones.

When I moved to New York this summer, I had no idea how much my eyes would widen and what experiences I would be exposed to.  There were a lot of good times, some bad moments, but overall everything I needed to experience to build a spine and get over being afraid of being in a big city with lots of people and just really put myself out there.  Meeting people and forming relationships that would be important for my own personal development as a fashion designer and a artist.

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