Friday, September 25, 2015

Sink or Swim

The difference between us
was the distance apart
love was strong for you
but I questioned my heart

I made the decision to live in another city
and you let me go freely
your heart was anchored
it was safe at home

Mine battled through
I was left beaten and alone
in the trenches bruised and scarred
crawling in solitude in the dark

I wasn't sure what I was working towards
my life seemed like it wasn't my own
it felt like I was treading water
Just floating
I didn't know what I was living for

You didn't know how I became more guarded
I didn't see what you could offer
Being alone was becoming more normal to me

You threw me a life raft
But I couldn't see
I didn't know where to swim
after floating free

Do I grab on to something that I used to know?

Or swim a different direction to the great unknown?

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