Monday, August 10, 2015

Let's Pretend

I can feel us changing
In a bad kind of way
We pretend to be the same
But I've had the recurring dreams
There, I felt the change

Your looks are no longer longing
You pretend to listen and tune me out
You disregard what I am saying
You disregard me when I tell you what I'm about

You only pretend to try after a fight
Say the right words
So it seems like we are seeing eye to eye

It pains me when we say goodbye
Because each time you say it
Leads us closer to the last time

I rolled the ball in your court
The favor was on your side
You said that you would try
But nothing was done instead

Our future was in your hands
All you had to do was clench it
But your timing was off
You slipped and it was

The End

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